Thursday, August 27, 2020

Assignments Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 6

Assignments - Assignment Example It relates a contention that exist between the brew creating organization (Miller Coors) and the Boricuas For a positive picture. It refers to interchanges between the different gatherings and accept a business tone. The essayist needs us to comprehend and feel the pressure between the two gatherings; he cites explicit people, in any case, the peruser neglects to offer an input on the issue. The two records offer savvy current data in a reasonable arrangement. The principal article presents the contention that the establishment of the bicycle corrals will give an answer for the expanded interest for bicycle stopping. The essayist bolsters the case by introducing proof from sources, for example, the DOT site and people, Aussie Saavedra a multi year old performer who shares the misery of looking for a bicycle stopping. The writer’s assessment underpins the case that the establishment of the bicycle corrals will facilitate the stopping inconveniences particularly for those that park wrongfully, by locking their bicycles on trees or road signs. The subsequent article depends on the contention that the Coors Light Company created Beer Cans that outraged the Puerto Ricans. The author proceeds to explain his case by introducing the contention between the Coors and the Boricuas For a positive picture. He cites different articulations that each gathering introduced with all due respect however bolsters no gathering. The principal report has obvious areas that are in a perfect world autonomous since the essayist presents an alternate thought in each segment. The subsequent record, notwithstanding, has area that covers and are reliant on one another creation it difficult to comprehend one without perusing the other since the exchange between the two gatherings appears to stream. The sections in these records are medium in size and are fundamentally unrelated yet pass on the progression of thought. The association of the archives made it conceivable to skim through the record and get the significance. The records are organized so that the most

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Immanuel Kants Idea of Knowledge

Immanuel Kants Idea of Knowledge Immanuel Kant is liable for acquainting the term â€Å"transcendental† with the philosophical conversation. By doing this it was his objective to dismiss everything that Hume needed to state. His contention demonstrated that subjects like arithmetic and theory really existed. One of his primary contentions was the possibility that picking up information was conceivable. Without this thought of information there would be no explanation behind a conversation. Since we realize that information is conceivable we should ask how it arrived in such a state. As per Kant, one of the states of information is the Transcendental Esthetic, which is the psyche setting sense understanding into an existence succession. From this we comprehend that the supernatural contention is a plenitude of substances arranged in reality, with a relationship to each other. We can't pick up this information from sense-understanding (Hume) or from discerning derivation alone (Leibniz), however indicating how information exist and how it is conceivable. Kant makes the case in the Transcendental Esthetics that reality are ‘pure from the earlier instincts. To completely comprehend what this implies we should characterize what an instinct is. As indicated by Kant an instinct is crude information of tactile experience. So fundamentally instincts are delivered in the brain. Kant is stating that existence are things that are created in the brain and given before understanding. Space is a vital from the earlier portrayal, which underlies every single external instinct. It doesn't speak to something in itself or some other relationship. Space is just a type of appearance spoke to outside of the psyche. Time, then again, is a fundamental portrayal that underlies all instincts and in this way is from the earlier. Since time is just a single dimensional it is extremely unlikely that we could get to it rapidly. We realize that existence are both from the earlier on account of the entirety of our encounters. Kant likewise asserts that existence are ‘empirically genuine however supernaturally perfect. At the point when Kant says that space is ‘empirically genuine he isn't assuming outside items. It is highly unlikely for space to be an observational idea. We can't simply concoct space; a portrayal of room must be surmised. At the point when we encounters things outside ourselves it is just conceivable through portrayal. For reality to be ‘transcendentally perfect Kant is fundamentally saying that â€Å"they are not to be related to anything past or anything that rises above the limits of conceivable experience or the from the earlier emotional conditions that make such experience conceivable in the first place.† Before Kant starts to clarify the supernatural tasteful he guarantees in the presentation that scientific information is engineered from the earlier. This announcement depends on Kants Copernican Revelation. As indicated by Kant, reality taken together are the unadulterated types of every single reasonable instinct. This is our method of making from the earlier manufactured recommendations. These suggestions are constrained by they way they appear to us yet not present inside themselves. We have from the earlier information on manufactured decisions. As per Kant our decisions/articulations can either be diagnostic or manufactured. A diagnostic judgment would be the place the idea of the predicate is a piece of the idea of the subject. In the event that it is denied, at that point there would be a logical inconsistency. A manufactured judgment, then again, is the place the idea of the predicate isn't contained in the idea of the subject. Along these lines, on the off chance that we denied it, at that point there would be no logical inconsistency included. An investigative judgment would be â€Å"all lone wolves are unmarried†. The idea of single man is characterized as being unmarried. In breaking down this word we would state that it is an unmarried male grown-up. At the point when we break down ideas the parts come out. In this manner, when separated our predicate idea of â€Å"unmarried† is appeared. The brain is equipped for discovering this idea without heading outside and encountering it. In the event that we attempted to deny this announcement there would need to be a logical inconsistency, accordingly making it bogus. A case of a manufactured judgment would be â€Å"the sun will rise tomorrow†. At the point when we state this it is our method of taking two discrete and particular thoughts and assembling them. There could be no logical inconsistency in this announcement since we can picture that something like this could happen. In Section I of the Transcendental Esthetic, Kant gives four contentions for the end that space is experimentally genuine yet supernaturally perfect. As we probably am aware space isn't an experimental idea. We can't genuinely infer space. The main way that we can get these external encounters is through our portrayal. With regards to space we can't speak to the nonattendance of room yet we can envision space as being vacant. So as to be given any substance as far as we can tell we should assume space. Realizing that space is anything but a general idea we can possibly talk about each space in turn and on the off chance that we discuss various spaces we just mean pieces of a similar space. The parts can't decode the greater space yet just what is contained in it. Since space is viewed as just one, the idea of spaces relies upon a breaking point. Ideas containing a boundless measure of portrayals can't be contained inside itself. All pieces of room are given to us on the double. In this manner it is a from the earlier instinct not an idea. The entirety of the past data is Kants method of demonstrating that the manufactured from the earlier information on science is conceivable. As we probably am aware arithmetic is a result of reason yet is as yet engineered. In any case, in what capacity can this information be from the earlier? The ideas of math are seen from the earlier in unadulterated instincts. This fair implies the instinct isn't exact. On the off chance that you don't have instincts, at that point science would not be an idea. Reasoning, then again, advances just through ideas. Theory utilizes instincts to show vital facts however those realities can't be a result of instincts. The chance of math just happens in light of the fact that it depends on unadulterated instincts which possibly happen when ideas are built. Like unadulterated instinct, exact instinct, permits us to widen our idea of an article by furnishing us with new predicates. With unadulterated instincts we get essential from the earlier facts. Manufactured from the earlier information in arithmetic is conceivable just on the off chance that it alludes to objects of the faculties. The type of appearances originates from reality which is expected by unadulterated instincts. Questioning that existence don't have a place with the item in themselves would make us not have a clarification about from the earlier instincts of articles. We need to arrive at the resolution that in reality questions are just appearances involving that it is the type of appearances that we can speak to from the earlier. Presuming that a manufactured from the earlier information on science would be conceivable. What is the Transcendental Deduction? This is the manner in which ideas can relate from the earlier to objects. Kant says, â€Å"If every portrayal were totally unfamiliar to each other, standing separated in segregation, nothing of the sort as information could ever emerge. For information is [essentially] an entire wherein portrayals stand analyzed and connected.† Kant spreads out a triple blend about understanding: an amalgamation of fear in instinct, a union of propagation in creative mind, and a union of acknowledgment in an idea. We ought not partition these means into one yet they should all be entwined as one. So what we see must happen sequentially. In this way our concept of the Synthetic Unity of Apperception becomes possibly the most important factor. This is the place each conceivable substance of experience must be joined by â€Å"I think†. Everything in your psychological state ought to have the option to be joined by â€Å"I think† on the off chance that not, at that point it won't make any difference by any stretch of the imagination. â€Å"I think† isn't something that comprises in reasonableness. It is a demonstration of suddenness. It goes before all conceivable experience. The solidarity of this specific complex isn't given in experience however before it. Figuring substances can just see what is happening inside as observation goes on consistently. This is the place our attention to a complex becomes possibly the most important factor. We know about one thing after another. Every impression is unique in relation to one other. We should state that these impressions are mine. Essentially going wit h them with the expression â€Å"I think†. With respect to the Transcendental Unity of Apperception we are never mindful of ourselves as the mastermind however simply the instincts. The entirety of our encounters must be abstract to this mix of things. I should effectively arrange them all as them being a piece of my experience. The main way that I can know about this â€Å"I† is on the off chance that I am ready to arrange these portrayals. In this we can see the possibility of target unification. There is an association between supernatural solidarity of apperception and target unification. At the point when we talk about target unification we accept that there is a correct method to assemble things. This idea essentially originates from our all out union which includes from the earlier ideas. With the downright combination it is our method of assembling instincts in a classification. We should have the option to make a judgment. For instance we should have the option to state this is the way things appear to me in view of pass encounters. By saying this it would be a close to judgment. Though a judgment would be us trying to say this is the manner by which things are. To make a judgment is to state this is the means by which things are out there; how they impartially are instead of how they show up emotionally. For a complex to be finished the reasonable instincts must be dependent upon the classification. This is the means by which we can have an all out amalgamation. We can't have sense impression except if I can unite them under a brought together complex by realizing they are objective as opposed to abstract. Any instinct that we have must be dependent upon the class. We were unable to have an awarene

Pop Music Has It Gone Too Far Essay Example For Students

Popular Music Has It Gone Too Far Essay Have we gone excessively far? Has Pop music gone excessively far some may state yes some may state no however somewhat everybody would concur yet how might you Judge this by standard of the age and how the craftsman transformed it just as how you would figure the cutting edge would respond. Hen we started the course it began with rock and rollers wearing suits and hitting the dance floor with a 1-2 stage at that point coming to 2013 which think the second high schooler icon period, for example, Justine Bibber or Kathy Perry or surprisingly more terrible the Sardinian however even now contrast them with any semblance of Fabian youngster symbols of the late as-ass who are taking the moves of Elvis and such ought to be noted than shooting of Elvis starting from the waist was precluded at a time at that point to half bare ladies for getting a gold record and a few bucks yet then there was Jim Morrison waving around his penis in front of an audience yet it very well may be said he was und er impact of a few things. In any case, with everything taken into account I Say that yes it has gotten excessively far . Popular music can be supposed to be continually changing in light of the fact that the change from R to hip bounce didn't occur without an immense change like awesome and San Francisco however when you state something is outrageous the cutting edge will accept it as the standard ay when ass awesome began making sex related music recordings which was viewed as silly today its wherever my cousin who was tuning in to tunes like more grounded or E. Anyway her mother had no issue . NNE of the greatest thing I Seen emerge is that it infused itself into our way of life Just like an infection from sharp looking clean trim to calfskin jeans and Jackets and insane trims however it started with the insects who essentially got long hair. Or then again when KISS expressed wearing calfskin and make up the young followed demonstrating that it was not, at this point hostile to culture it was culture and ch anging America regardless. Something else that entered my thoughts is that acceptable is terrible and awful is acceptable when the drifters crossed this way they set an entire universe of issues however how far would you be able to go for record deals once it was love, harmony and resilience then it went to sex medications and awesome while the vocalists who were in order were excused while screamers were viewed as the best. Yet, some may not think this is a serious deal, it is popular music however I Would figure demise would change ones brain. Jim Hendrix perhaps the best guitarist passed on because of misfortune otherwise known as he overdosed just as Jim Morrison ending their own lives the best of the San Francisco Tyler dead, popular music took these tormented spirits however it tends to be said that they made them come to them what about the fans, normal individuals for instance say Allotment Free Concert what could turn out badly Free show with world acclaimed acts what could turn out badly. Medications and liquor can. The drifters here attempted to avoid the police and concluded that they can do anything they desired , they were a pop craftsman gathering obviously, so they chose to enlist the hells Angels and with the medications and battle music a fight broke out between a fan and to individuals which finished with the passing of Meredith Hunter who was wounded to death by the security staff and it was nothing on tape. .u479c34542f08038620eec329a17a0744 , .u479c34542f08038620eec329a17a0744 .postImageUrl , .u479c34542f08038620eec329a17a0744 .focused content territory { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .u479c34542f08038620eec329a17a0744 , .u479c34542f08038620eec329a17a0744:hover , .u479c34542f08038620eec329a17a0744:visited , .u479c34542f08038620eec329a17a0744:active { border:0!important; } .u479c34542f08038620eec329a17a0744 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u479c34542f08038620eec329a17a0744 { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; haziness: 1; progress: murkiness 250ms; webkit-change: obscurity 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u479c34542f08038620eec329a17a0744:active , .u479c34542f08038620eec329a17a0744:hover { mistiness: 1; progress: darkness 250ms; webkit-progress: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u479c34542f08038620eec329a17a0744 .focused content region { width: 100%; position: re lative; } .u479c34542f08038620eec329a17a0744 .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content design: underline; } .u479c34542f08038620eec329a17a0744 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u479c34542f08038620eec329a17a0744 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; fringe span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: striking; line-tallness: 26px; moz-outskirt sweep: 3px; content adjust: focus; content beautification: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .u479c34542f08038620eec329a17a0744:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u479c34542f0 8038620eec329a17a0744 .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u479c34542f08038620eec329a17a0744-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u479c34542f08038620eec329a17a0744:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Degrading music recordings and verses EssayOr when the ruler of dimness chose to compose a tune about self destruction (self destruction arrangement) a teenaged John McCollum chose to slaughter himself . The verses winterers to cover up, self destruction is the main way out Dont you comprehend what its extremely about Pop Music Has It Gone Too Far By Astrakhan 1 your distresses Then it floods away tomorrows this melody at any rate proposes self destruction if not advancing it . Being terrible may acquire platinum records and #1 hits however when individuals begin biting the dust awful isn't acceptable further its awful. Awesome was once loaded with fashionable mannered individuals the Beetles be a genuine model and right off the bat their years implied well Elvis sang about adoration and mind-sets then Jim Hendrix begin bumping his guitar ablaze then the who began breaking gear , The drifters began shooting heroin in front of an audience, slimy Osborne bit the heads Off bat and Jim Morrison uncovered himself and I question all they sung about was love me do and turn and yell the verses determined from in advantage of Mr.. Bind to Prince saying inbreeding is k or when bent sister said to fire them down with a firearm then Venom encouraging Welcome to my penance Plunge the blade in her bosom at that point ice-t saying to slaughter police or when blackleg uncivilized is carrying on sex with a saw . The verses are what sells collections Mine and OPAC both are one of the best rap specialists ever but then there verses call for murdering cops homophobia and tunes against ladies. In a tune Mine or Marshall matters once said that there would be similar measures of medication addicts and murders without me something I Doubt. The more well known the craftsman the more impact they have Charles Manson said that the Beetles were prophets . Returning in time in the past music was where music was an additional piece of life which was recreational and now we hold tight each and every pole of our preferred craftsman state loot which was reintroduced by T. Jay-y just as craving bibber and it is still near and dont overlook YOLK which was made by drake yet it appears to be however as it is vanishing yet caps, shirts and arm bands were made and this is the place it starts to push the cutoff points when individuals live their live dependent on these word which in a manner is the same than Charles Manson. Or on the other hand when Wiz Kalmia is so open about his weed habit thus a large number of my previous companions began as a result of him or considerably prior when Dry. Deer began and when individuals take pills since mine id it or corrosive in light of the fact that the scarabs were cool. Hen individuals state popular music craftsman does this it turns into a religion like after like how a decent Christian would follow the lessons of Jesus they are following the beliefs of pop stars and turned into the focal point of everything as John Lennox once saddlers more mainstream than Jesus now or when Kindlier Lamar SaysDepending on what you expecting, Im sure its greater than your religionAfter this course Im pondering where is the duty of these Musicians who control the open when are they saying not to hear them out however they subterranean insect to be heard so on the off chance that you do go

Friday, August 21, 2020

Free Essays on Verbal And Non-verbal Communication

, you see language and use it in your very own manner, however in general it is formed by your cu... Free Essays on Verbal And Non-verbal Communication Free Essays on Verbal And Non-verbal Communication Verbal and Non-verbal Communication A great many people will concur that correspondence is the most significant piece of culture. It permits us to share thoughts, emotions, and feelings. This is the thing that isolates people from different creatures. Correspondence can be broken into two sections, verbal and non-verbal. Verbal utilizations language, while non-verbal is comprised of various things. Non-verbal correspondence is activities or signals that can be seen that don’t come legitimately from physical language. Association between individuals would not be conceivable without these two types of correspondence. Language is the essential methods for saving and transmitting society (Porter 139). Language utilizes images (words) which are given sounds differing from culture to culture. The images are bunched together utilizing various standards to frame the genuine language. These words are given significance by the way of life in which you live in. Language has a few distinctive essential capacities, for example, naming, collaboration, and transmission (139). Naming serves to offer personality to what is being discussed. The collaboration work permits us to share thoughts and feelings. Transmission is the manner by which we pass data on. Language has different capacities also. The most helpful one is discussion. This is the significant procedure of how we interface with each other. Language can be utilized to communicate feelings, considerations, history, reality, and personality. We use language to interface with one another just as discussion about the past, present, and future. Language is straightforwardly connected to singular culture. Word use and significance are found out (164), and contrast among the different societies around the globe. Every language has its own sounds and rules for utilizing their images. The correspondence procedure can be broken into four sections. You can get, store, control, and produce images to speak to your own existence. At the end of the day, you see language and use it in your very own manner, however by and large it is molded by your cu...

7 Things You Didnt Know Could Impact Your Credit

7 Things You Didnt Know Could Impact Your Credit 7 Things You Didnt Know Could Impact Your  Credit 7 Things You Didnt Know Could Impact Your  CreditCredit scores are sort of mysterious, aren’t they? It’s tough to be sure what gives you good credit, what gives you bad credit, and what exactly the difference is.First of all, let’s establish what it means to have good credit: it’s any FICO credit score above 680. Bad credit is any credit score below 550. The worse your credit, the worse rates you’ll be looking at for any kind of loan, and the fewer lenders will be willing to offer you a loan at all.You probably know that failing to pay your bill on time is a big no-no when it comes to keeping a good credit score, but there are multiple factors you might have not even considered. Here are some of those factors!Cosigning on a loan.You’re a responsible person and a good friend. Someone you know is having trouble qualifying for a loan and needs you to sign on with them. It’s just a signature, right?Wrong! You’re leaving your credit future in their hands. As nationally rec ognized credit expert Jeanne Kelly (@creditscoop) told us:“Many people do not understand that the loan they just cosigned is just as much their responsibility as the other person they signed for. The loan and payment history goes on both of their credit reports. If the other person pays late, it will get reported on both their reports. If the other person lets the loan go into default, the cosigner is responsible for the balance. I wish lenders stopped using the word ‘cosign,’ as for some reason people do not realize the full impact. I wish they would just call it a joint loan.”Closing old credit cards.You know acting irresponsibly with your credit cards will mess up your credit score. But some behavior that seems responsible may actually hurt your credit.Per certified financial educator Maggie Germano (@MaggieGermano): “There are many things that can negatively impact your credit score, and some of them arent what youd expect. For example, closing your old credit cards ca n hurt your credit score, because it shortens your credit history. So if you have old cards that you dont really use anymore, keep them open. Another thing that can hurt your credit score is if something is sent to collections. Is there an old electric bill you never paid? Perhaps a medical bill that you couldnt afford? Track those bills down! Pay them off before they go to collections and get reported on your credit report.”A hard credit check.Most legitimate lenders will want to perform a credit check before determining if they’ll lend to you. That’s because your credit score is seen as an indication of your likelihood to pay back the loan you take out. But not every credit check is equal! There are both soft and hard credit checks.Trent Hamm of The Simple Dollar (@thesimpledollar) wrote an article explaining the difference. As Hamm says, hard credit checks are “ones where you’ve granted permission, they indicate that you’re actively seeking credit, they show up on you r credit report for everyone to see, and they tend to have a slight negative impact on your credit score.”“A soft credit check, on the other hand, doesn’t require your permission, doesn’t indicate anything about your interest in seeking credit, only shows up on the credit report you see, and has no impact on your credit score,” Hamm explains.If you need a “bad credit loan” from a lender who will consider you even if you have less than ideal credit, it’s better to apply to lenders who perform a soft credit check, so that your credit score isn’t harmed further. And it’s much better to consider a lender who performs a soft credit check than no credit check at all, as that can be a red flag that they don’t expect you to be able to pay back the loan and might be trying to trap you into a cycle of debt.Receiving a “charge-off.”You know missing payments is bad, but you may not have realized how bad it can get. Miss too many credit card payments and the credit card company will decide you aren’t likely to ever make those payments. That’s when they hit you with a charge-off.How does that work? According to LaToya Irby (@latoyairby) in an article she wrote for The Balance (@thebalance): “Once your account is charged-off, you will no longer be able to make purchases with the account. However, you still owe the charged-off balance.“The creditor will report a charged-off account status to the credit bureaus. This status will remain on your credit report for seven years from the date you first went delinquent. In the future, when creditors and lenders pull your credit report, theyll see you once were late enough to have a charge-off.”Irby goes on to explain how this impacts your score: “Your credit score will drop after a charge-off. Payment history weighs heavily in the calculation of your credit score. An unpaid charge-off will affect your credit score more when it first happens. As time passes, your credit score can improve if no ad ditional negative entries are placed in your credit report.”Missing a payment is bad for your credit score, but missing multiple payments should be avoided at (nearly) all costs.Having a high credit balance.Last time we wrote about managing your credit score, we asked author and debt expert Gerri Detweiler (@gerridetweiler) for advice. She told us about the importance of having a good credit balance.It’s not enough to just pay your credit card bill each month. According to Detweiler, you want to make sure you keep your balance at around 20-25% of your credit limit.She also warned that most issuers report balances before your payment is received, so even if you’re paying your bill back in full, you’ll still want to keep that balance from getting too high or risk negatively impacting your credit score.Not having a credit balance at all.Alright, so if racking up too many charges on your credit card can hurt your score, wouldn’t it be better not to have a credit card at all?No pe! That’s also bad for your credit. In a Forbes (@Forbes) article presented by (@RentDotCom), the authors caution against having too few kinds of credit: “having just a single type of credit can decrease your score. That means even if youre building credit by paying student loans or in some other way, a credit card can still help you make your credit history more diverse.”If you don’t think you’ll be able to qualify for a credit card, you can consider a secured credit card. A secured credit card requires you to put down some money as collateral, but it will allow you to start building up your credit score so you can qualify for a regular credit card one day, should you choose to do so.Paying for a rental car with a debit card.That same Forbes article offers another quirky way you can hurt your credit score. Apparently “For some car rental companies, when customers use a debit card it causes them to order a hard inquiry on their credit.” That’s why they advi se you “Pay with a credit card or check the rental application to keep this from happening.”It’s hard enough just paying your bills on time without worrying about the sneaky ways you can hurt your credit score without even realizing it. You can learn more about credit in our eBook Credit Workbook: The OppLoans Guide to Understanding Your Credit, Credit Report and Credit Score. Hopefully, we’ve helped you to remain ever vigilant and get that score moving in the right direction. Up!Visit OppLoans on YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | LinkedINContributorsMaggie Germano  (@MaggieGermano) is a Certified Financial Education Instructor and financial coach for women. Her mission is to give women the support and tools that they need to take control of their money, break the taboo of discussing debt and income, and achieve their goals and dreams. She does this through one-on-one financial coaching, monthly Money Circle gatherings, her weekly  Money Monday newsletter, and speaking engageme nts. To learn more, or to schedule a free discovery call, visit Kelly (@creditscoop)  After being turned down for a mortgage 15 years ago, Jeanne Kelly realized she needed to get her credit in order. Not only was she able to fix her bad credit, but she took the skills and knowledge she gained and decided to share it with the world. Now she’s a nationally regarded credit coach and expert, with multiple books and television appearances. Follow her on Twitter and check out her site to get the credit help you need!

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Biggest Crimes Must Be Punished Severely Research Assignment - 550 Words

Biggest Crimes Must Be Punished Severely Research Assignment (Essay Sample) Content: Biggest crimes must be punished severelyNameProfessorEssay19-03 2018The world is becoming a global village and many more people are getting desperate since they do not have any work to do and many of them elect to get into committing crimes. There are many people who commit very serious crimes and when they are taken to court they deny ever doing so as if they are not remorseful at all.These kind of people especially those who kill and take professional attorneys to plead for their innocence should get the worst final sentence when the judge finds them guilt. They should not be given less sentences just because they plead that they were not in their normal senses when they were committing the crimes.Some of the most notorious criminals who deal with drugs have made very many people to become addicted to the drugs and they end up raking millions which they use to bribe law enforcement officers to get away with the crimes.There should be a law that should be enforced on criminals who are hell bent on making other innocent people to go through much pain because of them. The law should be so deterrent that if they were shot on sight when committing the crimes the other people who may wish to get rich quickly by committing similar crimes would be wary not to do so.For instance the innocent killings of students by other crime bent students would not have happened if the guns were not allowed. The parents in many homes have guns which they tell their children that they are to be used to kill anybody who they think is a bother to them.A law that would make people realize that committing a serious crime would earn a criminal a final sentence that shakes their whole being, should be put in place so that many people who may wish to commit crimes should realize that crime does not pay. People who commit the biggest crimes should be punished by the most final of all sentences.Many crimes are committed because the prospective criminals do not know it is wrong ...

Monday, May 25, 2020

Why is border security important - 1905 Words

ENGL Composition: Writing and Research Why is border security important? 8/9/2013 There are a lot of things that come into account when we talk about border security, but why is border security important? Our borders help keep the drugs, undocumented aliens, terrorists, and contraband that is coming into our country. If we can keep our borders secure then a lot of these things will not make it into our country. Another thing that would change is the crime that’s associated with these things. If we can stop the drugs that are coming into the country it would help reduce the criminal activities that are associated with it and ultimately help reduce crime rates throughout the country. Some of the challenges of securing†¦show more content†¦The next agency up is the Bureau of Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE). ICE s mission is to detect and prevent terrorist and criminal acts by targeting the people, money, and materials that support terrorist and criminal networks (Haddal, 2010). They do this by setting up stings to take out gun runners, ass ociated cartel members that are in the US. Every year ICE appropriates billions of dollars in guns, drugs, and money. They are also responsible for the collection, analysis and dissemination of strategic and tactical intelligence data pertaining to homeland security, infrastructure protection, and the illegal movement of people, money, and cargo within the United States (Haddal, 2010). The last agency I am going to talk about is part of the Bureau of Customs and Border Protection (CBP). This agency is called the US Border Patrol. These are the people that you probably here about the most. Their primary task is to prevent the smuggling and unlawful entry to undocumented aliens into the United States, apprehending immigration law violators, and serving as the primary agency responsible for drug and contraband interdiction between ports of entry (Turbiville, 1999). The US Border Patrol was created in 1924 and has been around every since and has 22 US and Puerto Rican sectors. Their mos t critical, most publicly visible, most dangerous and the most rapidly evolving area is the 2,000 miles of shared border with Mexico (Turbiville, 1999). The US Border PatrolShow MoreRelatedName: Chiagozie Harry Okeke. Date: 02/20/2017. My Proposal1308 Words   |  6 PagesName: Chiagozie Harry Okeke Date: 02/20/2017 My proposal policy â€Å"To Increase the border control and security against unauthorized immigrants. Unauthorized immigrants in the United States of American border control has being a big problem and concern with regards to national security. There are a lot of people from various countries that want to migrate into United States for so many individual reasons known to them. The United States is a country known for countless jobs which other nations don’tRead MoreAmerica s Border Control Is A Security System1525 Words   |  7 PagesAmerica’s Border Control is a security system that protects America’s borders and makes sure that no terrorist or illegal immigrants enter America without a green card. The border control has been paid billions and maybe trillions of dollars to protect our borders. America’s border control needs to be lowered, it’s not just Mexicans are entering America illegally the statistics of immigration from 2013 are -Mexicans 14% -Chinese 7.2% -Indians 6.9% -Philippines 5.5% -Dominican Republic 4.2% TheRead MoreAmerica s Border Control Is A Security System1525 Words   |  7 PagesAmerica’s Border Control is a security system that protects America’s borders and makes sure that no terrorist or illegal immigrants enter America without a green card. The border control has been paid billions and maybe trillions of dollars to protect our borders. America’s border control needs to be lowered, it’s not just Mexicans are entering America illegally the statistics of immigration from 2013 are -Mexicans 14% -Chinese 7.2% -Indians 6.9% -Philippines 5.5% -Dominican Republic 4.2% TheRead MoreIllegal Immigration Become A National Security Issue Since Illegal Immigrants926 Words   |  4 Pagesof September 11, 2001 the border has become less open and more secured from what it used to be prior to the terrorist attacks (CBP, 2009, p. 5). The main reason is due to illegal immigration becoming a national security issue since illegal immigration can create opportunities for terrorists to commit terrorist attacks in the homeland by importing weapons and terrorist personal to the United States via smuggling routes that illegal immigrants use when they cross the border (CBP, 2009, p. 6). HoweverRead MoreThe United States Border Patrol1532 Words   |  7 PagesThe United States Border Patrol has a mission and duty to protect our borders through regulating laws and preventing illegal terrorists, drugs, and weapons from entering the United States. This has been a clear goal ever since laws have been passed to help secure our borders back in 1924. The need for Border Patrol and the demand for tighter security plans have been increasing due to terrorist attacks on American soil, the presence of radical groups, and a high rate of crime in the United StatesRead MoreFederal Government Codes of the United States794 Words   |  3 Pagestitle 8 the aliens can be involved in terrorism activities. Terrorism has been an issue of great concern in the United States and the world in general. The US government has the mandate to protect its citizens from terrorism and provide them with security in general. There are therefore measures that can be put in place so as to counter terrorism acts. The federal government can impose some sanctions that can be used as a means of countering terrorism acts. These sanctions can be directly on an individualRead MoreTECHNOCRATS AND CANADA Essay880 Words   |  4 Pagesfor Border Security Architecture Derek Brown (G00040841) Grantham University Abstract This paper will discuss the role of technocrats in Homeland Security and this paper will discuss whether or not Canada should of been the starting point for border security architecture. What is a technocrat? Is it some new genre of music for bureaucrats? Or is it what you get when you cross the techno genre and a Politian? Actually, it’s none of these; a technocrat is someone who feels many important issuesRead MoreHuman Trafficking : A Serious Crime And A Direct Violation Of Human Rights1138 Words   |  5 PagesIntelligence Question: How human trafficking is currently impacted by increased law enforcement coverage at the southwest border aimed at reducing illegal alien smuggling into the country? Summary: Human trafficking is a serious crime and a direct violation of human rights. It can be defined as an illegal trade of human beings in which they are treated as possessions to be controlled for labor intensive work like slavery, or exploited by being forced into prostitution. Every year, millions of peopleRead MoreIllegal Immigration And The United States1126 Words   |  5 PagesUnited States without government permission or stayed beyond the termination date of a visa† ( This issue has been a controversial and divisive topic throughout the world. Illegal immigration is a serious threat to national security. Lack of proper immigration can cause harmful consequences, and while there is much debate over what to do with the many illegal immigrants in the country, it is evident that it is a burden and very damaging. Illegal immigration dates all the wayRead MoreBorder Control Essay example888 Words   |  4 PagesBorder Control I feel that border security should be a priority and it is important to me because of the consequences we are currently suffering from and will continue to suffer from. We have decades of children that will depend on us to resolve these issues now rather than lay the burden on them. Even if Border Security is dealt with successfully, the radical terrorist threat will continue and will be able to be dealt with more easily because of the progress we will be able to make at home domestically

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Skeletal Muscle Physiology Physioex Exercise 2 - 1761 Words

I have only listed the questions that required answers that are a part of this exercise. A C T I V I T Y 1 Identifying the Latent Period How long is the latent period? _____2.78____ msec Note: If you wish to print your graph, click Tools on the menu bar and then click Print Graph. 5. Increase or decrease the stimulus voltage and repeat the experiment. (Remember that you can clear the tracings on the screen at any time by clicking Clear Tracings.) Record your data here: Stimulus Latent voltage: ____4.0____ V period: ____2.78____ msec Stimulus Latent voltage: ____3.0____ V period: ___2.78_____ msec Stimulus Latent voltage: ___10.0_____ V period: ____2.78____ msec Does the latent period change with different stimulus voltages?†¦show more content†¦A C T I V I T Y 6 Tetanus 4. Click Multiple Stimulus and watch the trace as it moves across the screen. You will notice that the Multiple Stimulus button changes to a Stop Stimulus button as soon as it is clicked. After the trace has moved across the full screen and begins moving across the screen a second time, click the Stop Stimulus button. What begins to happen at around 80 msec? Hits a plateau. What is this condition called? Tetanus. 5. Leave the trace on the screen. Increase the Stimuli/sec setting to 130 by clicking the (_) button. Then click Multiple Stimulus and observe the trace. After the trace has moved across the full screen and begins moving across the screen a second time, click Stop Stimulus. How does the trace at 130 stimuli/sec compare with the trace at 50 stimuli/sec? The twitches have fused. What is this condition called? Complete (fused) tetanus. 9. Examine your data. At what stimulus frequency is there no further increase in force? 146 stimuli/second What is this stimulus frequency called? Maximal titanic tension. 11. Click Clear Tracings to clear the oscilloscope screen. If you wish to print your data, click Tools and then Print Data. A C T I V I T Y 7 Fatigue 1. Design an experiment that demonstrates fatigue on the oscilloscope screen. Hint: Set Stimuli/sec to above 100. In fatigue, what happens to force production over time? The muscle is unable toShow MoreRelatedExercise 2 Skeletal Muscle1366 Words   |  6 PagesAnatomy and Organization of Skeletal Muscle and Muscle Physiology Lab 9 Skeleton Muscle Physiology: Computer Simulation Exercise 16B - Page PEx-23 Activity Sheet Objectives: †¢ Use a simulation of skeletal muscle experiments to investigate threshold stimulus, maximal stimulus, multiple motor unit summation, wave summation and tetanus and the graded contraction. †¢ Develop and test hypotheses related to muscle contraction. †¢Read MoreSkeletal Muscle Physiology5316 Words   |  22 Pages S E 2 Skeletal Muscle Physiology O B J E C T I V E S 1. To define these terms used in describing muscle physiology: multiple motor unit summation, maximal stimulus, treppe, wave summation, and tetanus. 2. To identify two ways that the mode of stimulation can affect muscle force production. 3. To plot a graph relating stimulus strength and twitch force to illustrate graded muscle response. 4. To explain how slow, smooth, sustained contraction is possible in a skeletal muscle. 5. To graphically

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Policy and procedure - 1485 Words

Assessment Task 7 Case study Angela cares for Manshu who is 2 years old and 3 year old Jessica. Manshu has just begun potty training and Jessica has just had a baby sister. They both arrive at 8am every morning and have breakfast with Angela and her 2 children aged 5 and 7. After breakfast Angela takes her children to school and then returns home to carry out her domestic routine. At 10.30am they either go along to the weekly childminding group where Angela meets with other home based carers and Manshu and Jessica play or they go to the local park. Answer the following questions: Question 1. Why is play important to Manshu and Jessica’s learning and development? Answer 1. As per EYFS statutory framework 2012, there are three†¦show more content†¦In order to do this effectively, Angela should plan for each child, taking observations and get to know both the children well. It is essential not to discriminate for any reason, and offer an inclusive environment and treat everyone equally. Meeting the individual need of every child is important as this ensures they are receiving the best possible care, their rights are being met, equal opportunities are given and an environment is provided that lets them grow and learn at their own pace. The rights of every child are paramount and when this principle is acknowledged, an inclusive setting is offered where everyone is treated equally and with respect. Question 7. How can Angela ensure she meets Manshu and Jessicas individual needs? Answer 7. Every single child is different and will like and dislike different activities, and their won way and pace of learning. Angela should ensure that both Manshu and Jessica are given equal opportunities and an environment that lets them grow and learn at their own pace keeping in mind the difference in their age, stage and their own individual preferences. They should feel safe, secure and happy in their surroundings. It is her responsibility to ensure she caters to their individual needs effectively by carefully planning for each child, taking observations and getting to know their personal likes and dislikes. She should ensure that both of them are heard, more importantly heard with interest and their views andShow MoreRelatedPolicy and Procedures1290 Words   |  6 PagesPolicies amp; procedures applicable to my school setting | Unit/LO/AC Ref | What purpose it serves | Evaluate how these polices support the principles of every child matters and the importance of staff con sistently applying boundaries (where applicable) | Child Protection Policy | A (Staff) | Ensuring safe recruitment by checking the suitability of staff and volunteers to work with children. Creating a safe environment in which children can learn and develop. Raising awareness of child protectionRead MoreA Policy And Procedure Manual1520 Words   |  7 Pages A policy and procedure Manual is a vital to the efficiency, morale, and all overall productivity of any company. It informs the employees of the company’s vision and purpose as an establishment and the steps used to incorporate that in their everyday duties and tasks, therefore producing continuity and efficiency within the company by eliminating confusion and empowering the employees with knowledge and a sense of belonging and pride. The company’s mission, strategy, and vision are married toRead MoreThe Current Policies And Procedures1416 Words   |  6 Pagesstudy, Anne ought to be advised by the healthcare providers about the aforementioned policies and procedures in order to ensure that they are adequately informed about the care, and are supported throughout the care process. 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Safety issue should always be paramount when looking after children. We are in a position of trust and should always make the children feel valued and important when they are talking to us. It is our duty to keep the environmentRead MoreCriminal Procedure Policy Paper1088 Words   |  5 PagesHerbert Packer, a law professor at Stanford. Political climate determines which model shapes criminal justice policy at a specific time. During the 1960’s due process dominated criminal procedure whereas the mid 1970’s to present day, crime control is dominating criminal procedure. These two models as well the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Fourteenth Amendments shape the criminal procedure policy as it is known today. Crime Control Model The most important value of the crime control model is theRead MoreCriminal Procedure Policy Paper1457 Words   |  6 PagesCriminal Procedure Policy Kristen Torres CJA/353 June 14, 2010 Kathleen H. Mooneyhan â€Å"Criminal procedure is the branch of American constitutional law concerned with the state’s power to maintain an orderly society and the rights of citizens and residents to live in freedom from undue government interference with their liberty† (Zalman, 2008, p. 4). The Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Eighth, and Fourteenth amendments are significant in studying criminal procedure. In criminal justice, the criminal procedureRead MoreSchool And Business Policies And Procedures1280 Words   |  6 Pageshave policies and procedures in place. A school s policies and... procedures are adopted from laws passed by the Government. These are in place to ensure the school is run correctly, and that staff, pupils, and any other individuals involved with the school are protected and meeting expectations and guidelines. Schools need to keep their policies and procedures in line with government legislation, so senior staff members have their meetings to discuss keeping up to date policies and procedures. ARead MoreCriminal Procedure Policy Paper896 Words   |  4 PagesCriminal Procedure Policy James Knight CJA/364 October 17, 2012 David Klein * * Criminal Procedure Policy * The criminal procedure policy is initiated with a crime committed by a perpetrator. This process for the criminal can end at any of the various steps of the criminal process. As a criminal is process the individual has rights that are provided by the United States Constitution to ensure fairness and justice. The two major procedural models that shape the criminal

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Lifestyle Factors That Can Affect Your Mental Health

We all have the opportunity to be happy, what we do with that opportunity is on us. We all face challenges, some more difficult than others. The challenges the experiences as awful or as amazing as they may be, they do not define us. Those experiences may have an effect on our happiness but in the end we decide. Every single person decides. We have to make the decision to take the opportunity of happiness or to not. If a person is in a healthy environment, has an appropriate attitude and has love in their life, they have the opportunity to be happy. First, if a person is living in a healthy environment they are more likely to be happy than someone who is living in an unhealthy environment.The article, â€Å"9 Lifestyle Factors That Can Affect Your Mental Health† by Joel L. Young M.D. from Psychology Today is explaining how an unhealthy environment has lasting effects on your life and mental well-being. â€Å"An unhealthy family environment that includes any kind of abuse, whether physical, sexual, or psychological, can make it nearly impossible to achieve sound mental health(9 Lifestyle Factors)†. Joel L. Young M.D is explaining why unhealthy environments, especially those of abuse makes it nearly impossible to have a healthy psychological state. If a person is living or was raised in an unhealthy or abusive environment they have serious psychological issues that make being happy a very difficult thing to do. If a person does go through awful abusive or unhealthy environment theyShow MoreRelatedI Am A Healthy Lif estyle Essay1114 Words   |  5 PagesI hate looking at myself in the mirror because all I can see is shame and guilt. There came a time where I felt depressed. I felt like I looked different than the others. I started to look at everything in a negative way. At that time food was the only thing that helped me cope through that phase. I kept eating one piece of junk food after another. All these things just made it worse for me to get over this phase. I didn’t feel confident about who I was as a person. Soon, I realized that I had toRead MoreThe Social And Physical Environment Of College Students831 Words   |  4 Pagesan institution based on its research programs, athletics or study abroad opportunities. However, most of these students do not considered how this radical change in their social and physical environment can make an impact on their mental health. According to the National Alliance on Mental Health (2012) â€Å"More than 40 percent of college students have felt more than an average amount of stress within the past 12 months.† College requires significantly more effort from students than high school. StudentsRead MoreThe Role Of Lifestyle On Influencing Our Health1241 Words   |  5 PagesThis essay will talk about the role lifestyle plays on influencing our health and in the development of diseases. It will include in it what health is, lifestyle epidemiology going into the details of 3 illnesses in details. WHAT IS HEALTH The World Health Organisation (WHO) defined health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of diseases or infirmity. It is a positive concept focusing on social and personal resources as we as physical strengthRead MoreHealth Is More Than One Focus Of Health1301 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction; â€Å"Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity, quoted from world health organisation†. (Health and social care, serious editor Neil Moonie, Heinemann page 106). Health is more than one focus of the body; there are 4 different types of health which are physical, mental, social and emotional health. Poor health can depend on factors such as diseases, bad health condition, not having a balanced diet, mental stress orRead MoreIs Schizophrenia A Mental Disorder? Essay1502 Words   |  7 PagesSchizophrenia is a mental disorder that affects many elements of the body and mind. This mental illness causes people to lose touch with reality Schizophrenia (2016). People with this illness suffer from hallucinations, paranoia, hearing voices, fear and persecutory delusion, which affects a person’s ability to think, feels, and behaves clearly. Most people with thinks illness are usually between the ages 16 and 30. Researchers have not found an exact cause of this disease but rather it is geneticallyRead MoreHealth Psychologists : What Affects Your Physical Health1627 Words   |  7 PagesHealth Psychologists: What Affects Your Physical Health Health Psychology studies psychological/behavioral health, illness and healthcare. Understanding how psychological factors (like attitude, stress, emotions, etc.) impact a person’s health are examples of Health Psychology. Someone that studies Health Psychology is called a Health Psychologist. A Health Psychologist evaluates the behavior of someone. After evaluating someone, they strive to find ways to help better a person s choices thatRead MoreTeen Depression : Genetics Or Situational Cause Word Count1379 Words   |  6 Pagesbeing genetics getting passed down to the teen from parents, depression is a serious issue. Nature vs. nurture has been debated over the years about which one is the main cause of human development. Such a debate can be made for specific human development like depression and other mental diseases. Both â€Å"nature† (genetics) and nurture (situation/environment) have a great impact on causing teen depression. The point of interest is in whi ch has a more significant influence on the onset of teen depressionRead MoreBuddhism, The Practical, Theatrical, And Its Social Aspects Of Buddhism1224 Words   |  5 Pagesspiritual attitude that affects themselves and their community. Meditation is used to refocus the mind to develop a greater mental state. Buddhism can be defined as:the path, and livelihood to practice the spiritual development that leads to the true nature of oneself and reality. The basics of Buddhism: there are no fixed symbols in the religion. Any action has consequences and affects. Buddhism can be attracted to anyone, of any sexuality, race, nationality, wealth, or lifestyle; we know its followersRead MoreCognitive Abilities Of Early Adolescents Essay1470 Words   |  6 Pagesabilities are the mental skills individuals use on a daily base ranging from the simplest tasks to the most complex ones. Cognitive abilities include but are not limited to handling information, memories, and reasoning. Our cognitive abilities gradually decline over the years as we enter adulthood known as cognitive ageing. Some individuals can experience a severe decline in their cognitive skills, which can lead cognitive impairments such as Dementia or Alzheimer s disease. Types of mental abilities thatRead MoreThe Social Determinants of Health and Wellbeing1657 Words   |  7 PagesDeterminants of Health Wellbeing. In the last few years, nurses and other healthcare professionals (HCPs) are under the spotlight of the media and the public due to issues addressed in documents such as The Francis Report (2010). This is good in a sense though as it gives us the opportunity to better ourselves as HCPs and improve the standard of care for everyone. It is now a widely known idea that there are many different factors that affect our health and wellbeing not just biological factors as believed

The Story Of The Movie The Great Gatsby And Snow...

Heroes are found everywhere when Disney is involved. From a prince or princess to secretive toys to the smallest forms of life on earth, a hero can be found in anyone. Being attached to one or a few is entirely common. These certain characters may be the ones they look up to. Young girls often choose to look up to a princess, although, they are not what they were over 50 years ago. The very first Disney princess, Snow White, is purely a damsel in distress. The same goes for Aurora who appeared in Sleeping Beauty years later. As the years have gone on, that weaker vision of a princess has faded. The modern day princesses are anything but damsels needing to be saved by a man. Rapunzel chooses to give up her freedom in order to save Flynn Rider’s life. Tiana works hard to provide for herself so she can chase her dream. Merida rejects what everyone else thinks she should be and is true to herself. Elsa only needs the love from her sister. This list will only get bigger as Disney c ontinues to create these young female heroines. If anything, Disney is preaching to young girls everywhere to be strong in a world that may play on their faults or weaknesses. During a time strong feminist movements, Disney manages to satisfy demands by allowing the girl to be the hero. Though Snow White and Sleeping Beauty are still timeless classics, the princesses of today set a better example for young girls everywhere and that is why they seem to be more attractive than the originals. Disney has aShow MoreRelatedThe Hunger Games Character Analysis Essay802 Words   |  4 Pagesfrom The Hunger Games (the movie version). Hermetic is a former victor of the Hunger Games and is now a coach for future tributes. He is an athletic medium build male with long blonde hair but though he is considered a sweetheart, he is a grumpy drunk. I chose Haymitch to describe character because he plays an important role in the movie as the coach, but he is neither the main protagonist or the antagonist. 2. Protagonist, Katniss Everdeen, from The Hunger Games (the movie version). Katniss EverdeenRead More The contemporary Hollywood blockbuster is not so much a film as a dev1631 Words   |  7 Pages â€Å" I like ideas, especially movie ideas, that you can hold in your hand. If a person can tell me the idea in twenty-five words or less, its going to make a pretty good movie.† Steven Spielberg.’ For this essay I intend to discuss how Hollywood as an industry has used the marketing strategies of blockbuster films to significant advantage in film merchandising. Along with the use of mass merchandising as a form of marketing films, with the hope of creating awareness among the public. As merchandisingRead MoreLiterature As A Form Of Human Expression1359 Words   |  6 Pagesme outside to tell me a story. Whenever it was story time I sat on her lap with her arms around me, and then she begin to tell me some funny, and scary stories until I fall asleep. My grandmother Satta Mabande always begin her stories by saying â€Å"once upon a time†. Some of the stories she told me was about Cinderella, snow white and the seven dwarf, Gingerbread man, chicken and egg, and so much more. As I grew older I realized that my grandmother made up some of these stories, because some was completelyRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book A New Hope 2190 Words   |  9 Pagesused on pages 3†5. A quest must consist of a â€Å"quester† or character pursuing said quest, a destination, justification to journey to that destination, challenges the quester faces along the way and, finally, the true reason for making the journey. A movie that undoubtedly mirrors these components is Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, which follows a young Luke Skywalker who finds himself on a quest, initially to deliver Death Star plans to the planet of Alderaan at the request of the planet’s princessRead MoreIntroduction : How ve He Do That?10829 Words   |  44 PagesAslan is the abstract symbol of Jesus Christ you can perceive him as a leader, magnificent, holy, highly admired and loved by many. As expected, in the book Aslan is killed on the Stone Table (think back to Jesus Christ’s death on the crucifix) by the White Witch who is the epitome of evil (think back to the people who sent Jesus Christ to his crucifixion). Utilizing memory, symbol, and pattern in this reading ma de the book more enjoyable and relatable. Without a doubt I appreciated every little thing

Huckleberry Finn Hoesty Quotes Analysis free essay sample

Money can cause for people to lose the value of honesty. ’What did you say your name was, honey? ’ M– calls me Sarah, some calls me Mary. (54)Huck is not one to give up on a lie. He spins new tales as old ones are discovered to be false. Even when he knows he’s caught, he doesn’t budge. Huck is good at coming up with another spur-of-the-moment lie in attempt to keep the real truth hidden. â€Å"Jim won’t ever forgit you, Huck; you’s de bes’ fren’ Jim’s ever had; en you’s de only fren’ olde Jim got now. †(83)Huck’s conscience troubles him deeply about helping Jim escape from his â€Å"rightful owner,† Miss Watson, especially after all she has done for Huck. Jim talks on and on about going to the free states, especially about his plan to earn money to buy the freedom of his wife and children. We will write a custom essay sample on Huckleberry Finn Hoesty Quotes Analysis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Jim might be saying this to Huck because he is thankful or because he really means it. In past passages Jim’s honesty has been put in jeopardy. â€Å"They went off, and I got aboard the raft, feeling bad and low, because I knowed very well I had done wrong, and I see it warn’t no use for me to try to learn to do right†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (85)Huck seems to lie a lot. It’s very easy for him to be deceptive with others yet he is honest with himself. He is aware of when he is doing wrong and knows that he can’t change the fact that he is a fallacious person. â€Å"Mars Jawge, if youll come down into de swamp Ill show you a whole stack o water-moccasins. (102)There’s something playful about some kinds of deception in this novel. It doesn’t seem manipulative so much as beneficial in cases like this. The deception in the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn often points out how almost everyone is gullible to some extent, or at least trusts in the honest or well-intentioned nature of others. It wouldn’t a done no good; and besides, it was just as I said; you couldn’t tell them from the real kind. †(141)The reason why can’t tell a real majesty from an imposter is because they are both dishonest with their people. The imposter lies in order to get what he/she wants. A real majesty also lies for one reason or another. Once a lie is told many more are to follow in order to sustain the first lie. â€Å"You can’t pray a lie-I found that out. †(192)Huck wants to do the right thing but he has gotten used to always doing the dishonest thing. He has now realized that he can’t be a different person even if he wants to.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Opinion Poll on the Newly Introduced Modern Transportation System (Lagos State Bus Rapid Transit) free essay sample

OPINION POLL ON THE NEWLY INTRODUCED MODERN TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM (LAGOS STATE BUS RAPID TRANSIT) SUBMITTED BY BAKARE OLUWEFEMI OLATUNJI P/HD/07/3740124 TO THE DEPARTMENT OF STATISTICS SCHOOL OF SCIENCE IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT FOR THE HIGHER NATIONAL DIPLOMA IN STATISTICS A SEMINAR SUPERVISED BY MR. T. AKINSANYA YABA COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY JULY 2011 ABSTRACT The research work focus on the opinion poll on the newly introduced modern transportation system in Lagos state (Bus Rapid Transit). It goes further state how it has significant effect on the commuter’s mobility in the states. Primary data and secondary data were adopted as a means of data collection with chi-square test for statistical analysis. We therefore recommend that Lagos state and its agencies should improve more on the rehabilization of roads, good management of port hole and construction of new road and people of good conducts and manner should be employ within the official. INTRODUCTION Lagos is considered to be the sixth largest city and one of the most rapidly rbanizing metropolitan areas of the world. It was variously estimated population at between 12. 5 and 15 million and an annual growth rate of newly 6%. It is also one of the world mega cities. Geographically, the metropolitan area of Lagos is also fast spreading, now extending beyond the borders of Lagos state into the neighboring Ogun State. ( Journal of Lagos BRT-lite Evaluation report, January 2009, PG1). Commuters’ trips are therefore growth both in length and number. This rapid urbanization, combine with inadequate or poorly extended transportation problems in Lagos metropolis. This include increasing traffic congestion; worsening state of disrepair of roads; deteriorating physical attractiveness and comfort of road-based public transport; sky rocketing transport fares; absence of effective rail and water mass transit transport; rising levels of road accidents and increasing rate of traffic-related emission and atmospheric pollution; and the growing menace of okada(motorcycle) transporters and area boys. Reviewing the formal Bus public transport operation in Lagos is characterized by high levels of fragmentation and indiscipline as a result of no fewer than 100,000 different types of buses owned almost exclusively by individuals, one or two each, which they drive themselves or hire out to drivers on a daily rental basis. Also, before the implementation of the bus, Rapid Transit (BRT) system, the state had witnessed the used of different types of vehicles for public transportation. In the late 1960’s and 70’s the Bolekajas( wooden lorries used for carrying goods and passengers) were in vogue. At the twilight of that decade, the Molues (midi buses) became the in-thing. Following the reformation of the bus system, the Lagos State Transportation Cooperation (LSTC) but soon ran aground due to poor management. Therefore, LAMATA is an acronomyns of Lagos Area Metropolitan Transportation authority was designed to formulate and implement programmes/project and policies for the overall improvement of public transportation systems, and orderly and structure development the mass transit system, among others. Its other functions includes carrying out the comprehensive maintenance of oads and related infrastructure, inventory and transportation network, continuous evaluation of road network status, overall improvement in traffic engineering and social opportunities. The BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) was one of the social development projects designed on thus policy frame work. The BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) is a transport option, which relies on the use of dedicated ‘interference’ from segregation lanes to guarantee fast and reliable bus travel. It is a road way- based rapid transit system that looks and behaves like a subway, offering high capacity rapid transit services but on dedicated lanes or City Street. BRT does not require expensive tracks like the rails system and other supporting infrastructure. It takes less time to construct and implement because in most cases, the existing road is restructured. The Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) takes care of most of the problems of the other systems: * It will reduce traffic congestion, improve air quality and meet the mobility needs particularly of the less privilege and poor masses of the Lagos metropolis. * It is a roadway-based system subway attributes, offering high capacity rapid transit services but on dedicated lanes or city streets. First phase of the Lagos BRT to run from Mile 12 through Ikorodu and Funsho Williams avenue up to CMS is schedules to start operation by November 2007. It is projected that the system will carry up to 10,000 passengers per direction per hour during peak travel hours. The LAMATA BRT corridor is about 22 kilometers in length. Two operators, NURWT Cooparation and LAGBUS a Lagos state Government owned Asset Management Company are contributing about 180 high capacity buses for the implementation of the first phase mile 12 to CMS BRT lite system. LAMATA has in place a new set of the regulation to guide the operations of the BRT. The BRT would run 16-hours operations running from 6:00am to 10:00pm, fifteen monitoring officers would be in charge of daily operational activities on the corridor. A private towing provider manages towing services on the corridor. A modern bus depot with of -the-art facilities that can accommodate about 100 buses is situated at the Ojota axis of the corridor. There are three bus terminals along the corridor at Mile 12, Moshalashi and CMS. The CMS terminal is designed to integrate with other transport modes of rail and ferry which the Lagos State Government is soon to implement. The LAMATA bus depot at Ojota showing: 3 No 33,000litre underground Gas tank, 2 Nos generating sets, overhead water tanks, with bore holes, state-of-the art mechanics workshop. One of the components of the LAMATA BRT scheme is securities and a strong factor in ensuring this is the lighting up of the entire corridor on both side to ensure safety of lives and property. To ensure the reliability of the lights, LAMATA has provided 10 Nos of 100kva generators and transformers as alternatively power supply to the power holding company of Nigeria (PHCN). In other to maximize cost of running the power system, LAMATA is considering a proposal for the installation of solar pokeweed streetlights along the corridor in the nearest future. LAMATA is the main instrument for transforming the State Transportation System through a group of committed and credible professional working as a team to facilitate methods in its operations, thereby adding valve to the quality of life. The project (LAMATA BRT) will achieve its vision and mission through 9 identified core valves which are going to be its propelling principles: i. Commitment ii. Professionalism iii. Credibility iv. Transparency v. Pro-activeness vi. Passion vii. Fairness viii. Confidentiality ix. Flexibility AIMS OF THE STUDY i. To determine whether or not the newly introduced modern transportation system has significant effect on the commuter mobility ii. To make recommendation for the eradication of huge public predicament of Lagos state. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY This study is to show the effect of BRT on the transportation system of Lagos State. It will go a long way to help future researches and students alike who have interest in this topic. There will also be an analysis of the problem areas, which may hinder efficient performance and suggestions, will be made on probable solutions with a view of making useful recommendation that can improve productivity of BRT in Lagos State. SCOPE AND LIMITATION OF THE STUDY Since the topic under consideration is a very wide one, particular references will be made to only commuters at a particular time interval in other to alleviate cumbrous nature of the study. The following limitation becomes inevitable in the course of conducting the study: i. Not all the categories of people to be contacted and the willingness to express their opinion. ii. The collection of the questionnaire may pose some problems because some of the respondents may return the questionnaire in good time and some may not at all. iii. Time involved in the study may also affect the quality of information to be contained in the research. The major constraints includes: Observing to much of protocols, transportation cost, contingency cost such as repeated call/visit to the 1st BRT administrative block at ketu, materials to be used and time limits due to the lack of adequate fund. This research work could not be expected further but avenues for further research to go beyond this scope. METHODOLOGY In the course of this research work, the statistical test used is chi-square test. The chi-square distribution with the appropriate degree of freedom provides a good approximation to the sampling distribution of Pearson’s chi-square when the null hypothesis is true, and the following conditions are met: * Each observation is independent of all the other i. e one observation per subject * No more than 20% of the expected counts are less than 5 and all individual expected counts are 1 or greater. For 22 tables; all expected frequencies should be 10 or greater, if any expected frequencies are less than 10, but greater than or equal to 5, some author suggest that Yates correction for continuity should be applied. This is done by subtracting 0. 5 from the absolute value of (O-E) before squaring. RESEARCH DESIGN Survey design was employ in this research study. This is because survey design is the only research design that enables the researcher to observe what is happening to sample object or variables without attempt to manipulate or control them. Therefore, data was collected from the commuters as to how the BRT as affected the transportation system of Lagos State and if it has effect on their daily running cost. Also, explanatory design is adopted among the three types of survey which is geared toward collection of data to answer research question or explains the relationship among variables. POPULATION OF THE STUDY Statisticians define population as the whole set of objects or individual about which a statistical investigation is carried. Therefore, in this research a population is made up of all conceivable element, subject or observation relating to BRT commuters. The BRT commuters at the corridor/terminal are part of the elements or subject that make up the population, because they are the one that are saddled with responsibility of seen the effectiveness of BRT and to rise to the required information. They are therefore in a best position to give experience and personal opinion (data) on the subject refers. SAMPLE DESIGN AND PROCEDURES A total examination of the population of this study list above is rigorous, timely and money consuming. A study of a few of the elements is believed to give research sufficient knowledge of what obtains in the entire population. The process of drawing this few elements from the entire population are called. In this study, simple random sampling of the probability methods for the population of interest and type of study envisaged. The sample size was selected in such a way that complexity is avoided and realistic sample are examined to make decision. In this study 500 commuters are explored, hence the sample size is limited to the commuters at a particular time interval. DATA COLLECTION INTRUSMENT Data collection instrument are the device used for collection of data or measuring the variable which are used for answering research question and for testing study hypothesis. To achieve the objective of this study, Primary data was collected from the source. Questionnaire was designed to allow commuters to provide objective information for the research work. Secondary data used in this research was collected from different sources, like textbook, journal of Lagos Metropolitan Area Authority (LAMATA), internet and personal consult. DATA PRESENTATION AND ANANLYSIS In this section, an attempt will be made to analyses, classify and interpret the response accordingly. CLASSIFICATIONS OF RESPONSES QUESTIONNAIRE| FREQUENCY| PERCENTAGES| Returned and Valid| 350| 70%| Returned but not Valid| 100| 20%| Not Returned| 50| 10%| Total| 500| 100%| From the table above, the respondents are classified according to the way they returned their questionnaire. Out of the 500 questionnaire administered, only 70% was returned and valid, 20% questionnaire was returned but not valid while the remaining 10% questionnaire were not returned. Data Analysis The data gathered from respondent would be presented in a tabular from and analysis. Profile Analysis OPTION| FREQUENCY| PERCENTAGES| Male| 154| 44%| Female| 196| 56%| Total| 350| 100%| From the table above 44% respondent were male gender while 56% respondent were female gender. Age bracket OPTION| FREQUENCY| PERCENTAGES| 18-25 years| 44| 12. 6%| 26-35years| 120| 34. 3%| 36-45years| 89| 25. 4%| 46-55years| 64| 18. 3%| 56 and Above| 33| 9. 4%| Total| 350| 100%| From the table above 12. 6% respondents represent the age within 18-25 years, 34. % respondents represent the age within 26-35years, 25. 4% respondent represent the age within 36-45years, 18. 3% respondent represent the age within 46-55years, while 9. 4% respondent represent the age within 56 and above. Occupational OPTION| FREQUENCY| PERCENTAGES| Student| 29| 8. 3%| Trader/Business| 145| 41. 4%| Civil servant| 157| 44. 9%| Other| 19| 5. 4%| Total| 350| 100%| From the table above, 8. 3% respondent were students, 4 1. 4% respondent were Trade/Business, 44. 9% respondent were Civil servant, while 5. 4% were Other Occupation. . 2Substantive Data Analysis How often do you ride on BRT Buses OPTION| FREQUENCY| PERCENTAGES| Daily| 322| 92%| 3days or less| 19| 5. 4%| Occasionally| 9| 2. 6%| Total| 350| 100%| From the table above, 92% respondent rides on BRT buses daily, 5. 4% respondent rides on BRT buses 3day or less, while 2. 6% rides on BRT buses occasionally. How would you rate infastruction provide at the terminal and shelters. OPTION| FREQUENCY| PERCENTAGES| Satisfied| 297| 85%| Dissatisfied| 35| 10%| Delighted| 18| 5%| Neither| 0| 0%| Total| 350| 100%| From the table above, 85% respondents satisfied to the rate infrastructure provided at the terminal shelter, 10% respondents dissatisfied, and 5% respondents delighted to the same statement. How would you rate professionalism of the BRT Driver. OPTION| FREQUENCY| PERCENTAGES| Satisfied| 118| 33. 7%| Dissatisfied| 106| 30. 3%| Delighted| 114| 32. 6%| Neither| 12| 3. 4%| Total| 350| 100%| From the table above, 33. 7% respondents satisfied with rate of the professionalism of the BRT drivers, 30. 3% respondents dissatisfied, 32. 6% respondents delighted, while 3. % respondents neither to the same statement. How would you rate BRT crew courtesy displayed OPTION| FREQUENCY| PERCENTAGES| Satisfied| 182| 52%| Dissatisfied| 116| 33. 1%| Delighted| 52| 14. 9%| Neither| 0| 0%| Total| 350| 100%| From the table above, 52% respondents satisfied with the level of courtesy display by the BRT crew, 33. 1% respondents dissatisfied, while 14. 9% respondents delighted with the same statement above. How would you rate BRT ticketing system OPTION| FREQUENCY| PERCENTAGES| Satisfied| 183| 52. 3%| Dissatisfied| 9| 2. 6%| Delighted| 158| 45. %| Neither| 0| 0%| Total| 350| 100%| From the table above, 52. 3% respondents satisfied that rate of the BRT ticketing system, 2. 6% respondents dissatisfied, while 45. 1. 9% respondents delighted with the same statement above. How would you rate the comfortability of BRT buses to that of the commercial buses. OPTION| FREQUENCY| PERCENTAGES| Satisfied| 201| 57. 4%| Dissatisfied| 16| 4. 6%| Delighted| 127| 36. 3%| Neither| 6| 1. 7%| Total| 350| 100%| From the table above, 57. 4% respondents satisfied that the comfortability of BRT to that of commercial Buses, 4. % respondents dissatisfied,36. 3% respondents delighted, while 1. 7% respondents neither to the same above. BRT has make effect on daily running/ transaction cost OPTION| FREQUENCY| PERCENTAGES| Strongly Agree| 152| 43. 4%| Agree| 98| 28%| Strongly Disagree| 32| 15. 1%| Disagree| 53| 9. 1%| U ndecided| 15| 4. 3%| Total| 350| 100%| From the table above, 43. 4% respondents Strongly agree that BRT buses had effect on daily running/ transaction cost, 28% respondents Agree,15. 1% respondents Strongly Disagree, 9. 1% respondents Disagree, while 4. 3% respondents undecided to the same above. Has BRT makes mobility easier, faster, reliable and affordable OPTION| FREQUENCY| PERCENTAGES| Strongly Agree| 108| 30. 8%| Agree| 191| 54. 6%| Strongly Disagree| 8| 2. 4%| Disagree| 25| 7. 1%| Undecided| 18| 5. 1%| Total| 350| 100%| From the table above, 30. 8% respondents Strongly agree that BRT buses make mobility easier, faster, reliable and affordable, 54. 6% respondents Agree,2. 4% respondents Strongly Disagree, 7. 1% respondents Disagree, while 5. 1% respondents undecided to the same above. TEST OF HYPOTHESIS That data already presented and analyzed with the test statistic stated below: ? = ? (O-E)2 E Where ? 2= Chi-square O = observed frequencies E = Expected frequencies (O-E)2 = The deviation (O-E)2 = Deviation square and weighed. RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS Ho:The Lagos Bus Rapid Transit does not have significant effect on Lagos state transportation system. H1:The Lagos Bus Rapid Transit has significant effect on Lagos state transportation system. DECISION Chi-square test is signif icant (Pvalue . 000 is less than level of significant 0. 05); we reject the null hypothesis and conclude that the Lagos Bus Rapid Transit has significant effect on Lagos state transportation system. FINDINGS, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION It is observed from the analysis, since Pvalue 0. 0% have expected frequencies 0. 05, and we concluded that the Lagos Bus Rapid Transit has significant effect on the Lagos state Transportation system. This therefore supports the research findings of the evaluation report published by Integrated Transportation Planning Limited and IBIS Transportation Consultants Limited for LAMATA, January 2009. CONCLUSION The summary of the research work from the above conclusion, since the Pvalue (0. %) have expected frequencies of how often the riders on Lagos Bus Rapid Transit, daily running cost, comfotability and reliability less than 5%, it implies that the Lagos Bus Rapid Transit has significant effect. Which means the Lagos Bus Rapid Transit have effect on the transportation system of Lagos State. RECOMMENDATION Since the newly introduced modern transportation system (Bus Rapid Transit) has significant effect, we therefore recommend that: i. Lagos stat e government and its agencies should improve more on the rehabilization of roads. ii. Construction of new roads and port holes management which will decongest most of the major roads. iii. People of good manners and trustworthy character should be employed with the BRT officials. iv. Further research and day to day evaluation should be carried on this subject refers so as either refutes or verified the result hereby obtained. REFERENCE Agresti, A. (1990) Categorical Data Analysis New York: Wiley. Hoel, Paul G. (1976). Elementary Statistics (4th Edition). New York: Wiley Chapter 10. Yates, D. , Mccabe G. (1999). The Practice of Statistics (1st Edition) New York: W. H. Freeman. Journal of Lagos Indicator Bumper Edition, October/November 2009, Vol. 2 No. 11 12, Pg 120 Journal of Lagos BRT-Lite Evaluation Report, January 2009, Pg 1, Pg 9-11, Pg 31-34 Journal of Unveiling Launching of the BRT-Lite system March 17, 2008, Pg 13-15, Pg 34-38 Mobereola, D. (2009) â€Å"Lagos BRT rated 3rd Worldwide†, Journal of Newsletter, Vol. 1 No. 2(Dec. 2009). ^dailytimes. com. ng/article/molue-operators-want-key-brt ^math. hws. edu/jaramath/ryan/chisquare. html. ^http://www. skyscrapercity. com/showthread. php? t=552861

Monday, April 13, 2020

How to Write a Sample Research Paper Essay

How to Write a Sample Research Paper EssayWriting a sample research paper essay is an important step in becoming a great researcher. A sample research paper has to be concise and practical, yet it has to contain enough information for the students to learn something from it. It should also be able to highlight the most important points of the entire paper. This is a crucial step in becoming a good researcher.At times, the writer may have a problem in understanding the purpose of the research paper. This happens when they might consider writing about a topic that has nothing to do with the paper or its main points. However, the reason why the paper has to be so short is because the paper is meant to be read out loud in a small group.A sample research paper will not have any specific theme, and the class will be given the liberty to suggest which one they would like to write. This is a great advantage as long as the students choose to write about some topics, the class will have lots o f ideas and can be encouraged to write about different areas of the paper. In order to make the paper more interesting, the students can also choose to write about new ideas or research about the current topic.The research paper should also be free from any typos or grammatical errors. The grammar is also very important since it will affect the readers' knowledge of the paper. The papers have to be clear and easy to understand. This is also the reason why the professor will ask the students to help them with the writing.Papers that are short and in a format that can be reproduced easily are the best ones. Since they can be copied and pasted without any problem, it is always better to choose the simplest type of paper. This also shows the faculty that the student has a good grasp of the topic and that he or she will make the most of the paper's publication. Essays are not all about academic achievement. They should also be fun to write. This is another reason why the professor encour ages students to be creative in their essays. They should focus on the theme of the paper and try to come up with a good topic.As the student, you have to choose the topic that you think is interesting and that will interest your audience. The professor will provide you with his own ideas to write on, but in the end, the class will be the one to decide the theme of the paper. Write it according to the suggestions given by the professor and try to stick to the thesis of the paper.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

My Virtual Life Report free essay sample

Attachment is defined as the positive emotional bond that develops between a child and a particular individual. Of the four major patterns of attachment (secure, avoidant, ambivalent and disorganized-disoriented), I would consider Blair securely attached. Like other children who have a secure attachment pattern, Blair uses me, her mother, as a type of home base (Feldman, 2012). At 8 months Blair is cautious and shy in new situations. She has a typical fear of strangers but will eventually warm up somewhat to a new situation.Blair shows a strong preference for me over others. I am always talking and thinking about Blair. When my husband and I find time to go out, I find myself worrying and calling grandma to make sure she is doing all right. Set 2: 19 months-TEMPERAMENT Blair has a somewhat moderate activity level. She enjoys her quiet time activities, but she also loves climbing and exploring her environment. As far as sociability goes, I would say that Blair is more introverted. We will write a custom essay sample on My Virtual Life Report or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This means that she is less sociable (myvirtuallife. com, n. d. ). At 19 months she seemed to not like playing with the other kids at daycare and had a hard time warming up to anyone who she wasnt super close to. I would consider Blair a slow-to-warm up child. She shows relatively calm reactions to her environment. She tends to be withdrawn from new situations, adapting slowly. Blair is pretty cooperative for the most part, but she sometimes resists me. She usually just whines and fusses and is not usually aggressive. Her self-control is very good, but one may say that she is somewhat emotional. When she gets upset it is sometimes hard for her to calm down.Blair has been fairly stable in terms of her temperament throughout the last 18 months. Blairs goodness of fit is directly related to her temperament. When Blair was younger she was anxious with strangers. As parents, we are benefiting from the principle of goodness of fit by gradually introducing her to new people and situations (Feldman, 2012). Set 3: 30 months-PARENTING PHILOSOPHY â€Å"For cognitive development to occur, new information must be presented- by parents, teachers, or more skilled peers- within the zone of proximal development (Feldman 2012 p. 171). This, in other words, is when a child cannot completely perform a task independently but can do it with a bit of assistance from a more competent figure. This zone of proximal development is something I experience with Blair. At two years old she has got to pick out her tooth and hairbrush, but she still needs a bit of help with both operations. Another idea that Vygotsky believed in was the method of scaffolding. This is known as the support for learning and problem solving that encourages independence and growth (Feldman 2012). For example, sometimes Blair has a tough time communicating using her words.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Both Sylvia Plath and Penelope Lively e Essay Example

Both Sylvia Plath and Penelope Lively e Essay Example Both Sylvia Plath and Penelope Lively e Essay Both Sylvia Plath and Penelope Lively e Essay Lively explore situations that evoke the primal fear in all of us. They use various images and different symbols to explore these fears through neurosis, nightmares and hallucinations. The blue capes all dissolved and vanished, just like their childhoods innocence. The whole dreamy fantasy world of the two main characters (Sandra, from The Darkness Out there and the little girl from Superman and Paula Browns New Snowsuit) burnt Into ashes by the antagonist. They both go through harsh rite of passage as they realize the world Isnt as shelling and simple as they thought. Both stories start with fantasy worlds created by the protagonist- naive hallucinations without any sign of the real evil. In Darkness, Sandra, Just another Innocent girl with great expectation of life, was part of the good neighbors craze-Come and have fun Glenn a helping hand to the old folks, helping these old folks seem Like a safe and fun way to make contributions to the neighborhood. Sandra had always had a sheltered and protected life. She and Kerry. The annoying childish boy nobody thinks much of, discover the real darkness out there at Packers End hidden in the old lady hideous heart. At first, helping the old lady and doing various things around her house only seem to enhance the illusion of innocence and carefree life. The old lady even gave them chocolates. But, as the old lady started telling her story about the German plane, the ugliness and darkness inside her became more apparent. The realization of the evil that she was capable of was enough to make them leave with their innocence, lost forever. Sandra and Kerry would never be the same again. Just like Sandra had been all wrong about Kerry, they had been all wrong about this sweet old lady. In your head for ever like lines from a song, its like the lyrics of the song that never gets out of your mind. The neurosis develops into hallucination and imprinted in their head as a nightmare. In this nightmarish story, the neurosis gets stronger and stronger as the hallucination test darker and darker. Sandra and Seekers eyes have now been opened to the true darkness out there. The pure innocence is stained, Just like Paula Browns new snowsuit. In Superman, Sylvia Plant writes about the girls superman dream. Similar to Sanders fantasy world, it is way too perfect to be real. My flying dreams were believable as a landscape by Dali, Dali Is a talented painter with realistic drawings. Plant describes her dreams as Dalais painting, showing her superman dream Is related to something in her real life. The next sentence so real that I would awake with a sudden shock implied that she would later In the story be pulled out of her own world. The first thing that Invaded her childhood Innocence Is a movie about tortured Japanese prisoners. no crusading blue figure came roaring down In heavenly anger to smash the yellow men who Invaded my dreams, fantasy Is brutally replaced by reality. Later on, she Is accused for something she TLD commit, even her superman (uncle Frank) wont come and rescue her. Her childhood Innocence Is completely wiped away like the crude drawing of a child in color chalk from the blackboard, when superman betrayed her and left her with the ordinary Uncle Frank, his face was featureless. This is one of the most important quotes in the story, as her fantasy world popped like a bubble and out shown the characterless Uncle Frank. Penelope Lively and Sylvia Plant use different ways to introduce the antagonist in the story. Lively story has a clear character who plays the role of antagonist, while in Plashs story, the antagonist is an imagination from the protagonist.

Saturday, February 22, 2020

SIM 6 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

SIM 6 - Essay Example The scripture Deuteronomy 6:1-9 warns the Israelites against worshipping any other god but Yahweh. The big idea in this passage is that the Israelites are a chosen people down their generations. It is apparent from the passage that they must live according to God’s will. The LORD God promises to allow them live in the Promised Land for a long time if they not only listen to His commandments, but also obey them at the same time. In short, God is revealing that His promises are conditional. Moses says, â€Å"Listen to them, people of Israel, and obey them! Then all will go well with you, and you will become a mighty nation, and live in that fertile land, just as the LORD, the God of our ancestors has promised (Deuteronomy 6:3).† This passage fits the theme of the book in the sense that it continues to give laws guiding man’s relationship with God. After being chosen, taken into captivity in Egypt and finally emancipated, the LORD God makes the terms of His covenant with Abraham1 specific to the Israelites. The laws given demonstrate that they have been called to righteousness2 and that they have to be righteous in the first place. They must also have faith in God alone, trust in him and keep his commandments down the generations so that His promises may be fulfilled in their lives. The historical and cultural background of the passage traces back to the call of Abraham when he was in Ur. Upon demonstrating faith in God, he had been promised that he would be made a great nation3. When Abraham’s descendants were now numerous and serving in Egypt as slaves, God saved Moses as the vessel through which he would later free the Israelites from bondage. Moses rises as a great prophet who liberated the Israelites from Egypt in plan with God’s plan. Through him, God gives His people the Law to guide their relationships as they await the Messiah